hello guys welcome to the first blog tutorial on Python programming for beginners and in this blog I am going to give you a introduction to Python and how you can download and install Python on your Windows operating system so let's get started so python is widely used general-purpose high-level language and its design philosophy emphasizes code readability and its syntax allows programmers to express concept in fewer lines of code then would be possible in language such as C so let me give you a little overview of Python first so python is a scripting language and it includes object-oriented concepts also and it's a portable and very powerful language and it's often called a programming language for beginners because it's really easy to learn Python and it's really easy to implement if you have little codes or a little concept if you want to implement very fast you can use Python to implement them and it has mixed features like programming languages like Java and Perl screams and what are the uses of Python it can be used to make system utilities it can be used to make gooeys gooeys stands for graphical user interface and there are some ID es which you can use of which there are some platform which you can use to create GUI so this these are some of the platform on which you can make GUI application for example QT platform or Windows platform on cpk platform you can make interactive gooeys using Python you can also use Python to make internet scripting as a internet a scripting language and you can also use Python as a embedded scripting language even you can use Python as a data bits programming language artificial intelligence and image processing so there are widely used you know implementations of Python and you can use Python in many you know many fields so it's very good idea to learn Python and it's really easy to learn Python that's why you can you know learn Python if you are a beginner in programming ok so let's see how we can install Python on our Windows operating system so just open your favorite browser and search for Python and the first link here you will find is www.hyken.com just click here and in here you will be able to see the overview of python by browsing these tabs but the tab we are interested in right now is this download tab and in here there are two versions one is the very latest version and one was a little bit slightly older version but very stable version also what we are going to do is we are going to download this latest version so I'm going to just click this download button and download this Python 3.4 point one at the time of making this blog this is the latest version and once this download is complete we will be able to install Python on our system so now I'll download is complete I will just run this and it's preparing to install and this is the first option or first wizard with Python setup wizard you will be able to see and for now I just want to use install for all users and I will click Next and in here this is the default location where Python will be installed and this is the name of the folder because it's 3 version 3.4 so the folder name will be Python 3 4 ok just click Next and then these are all the utilities which will be installed if you want to customize you can customize it but I will leave it them as default and I will click Next and this installation will start and saying that it will take several minutes to install python so you need to wait until it process is going on and once the process completes I will go through the next steps so let's wait for some time and
I will pause the blog for now so while this process is going on I will give you brief of compilation in how this Python language interprets or compiled itself ok so if you have learned any other languages like C C++ or Java you know that this language is a compiled you know first you need to compile this file like Java or some other program and then once you compile your program it will produce our executable file and then you can run this executable file and you will be able to see this kinds of kind of a result but Python is interpreted language that means you don't need to compile your Python program because it's a interpreted language it will directly you or you will be able to run directly your program and it is a runtime compliation it will do so if any error occurs it you will be able to see them only at runtime okay so there is no need to compile or there is no feature to compile your code in Python it will just execute your program directly so this is the little difference between the programming languages like Java C or C++ that in those languages you need to compile your program but in Python instead it's an interpreted language so you don't need to compile this it will be executed at runtime okay now our installation is finished so I will just click finish now once your installation is complete you will be able to go to your Start menu here and you will be able to see Python in these options otherwise you can go to all programs and in here you will be able to see python and whatever version you have downloaded for python so i can see this folder called python dot - space 3.4 which is a version for python i have installed and when i click this folder i can see a few files here so there is something called python command line and i will click this first python command line first and this is a command line tool which you can use to execute your python scripting language or python programs right so for example i want to execute something here what I can do I can just print something so I will write print and in the brackets in the earlier version before three or before Version three you don't need to give these brackets to execute your message but after version three you need to use these brackets in order to print your message like using print function so print is a built-in function to print your string or whatever you write in these brackets so I will just use double quotes and I will write hello hello world and when I press ENTER that will give me hello world right so there are something you will notice when I have printed hello world that first you don't need any semicolon or any ending ending declaration in Python so if you have or if you are used to some languages like C C++ or Java you know that you need to end your line using semicolons right but in in your a Python program you don't need to use semicolons here and the other thing I have already told you that you don't need to compile your program you just hit enter and it will run your program right so this is a command line tool the same functionality you can use a GUI tool also to write the program so if you want to develop your program using command line you can use this Python command line I will just close it for now and I can even use or Python even provides a GUI which is idle to program a Python so I will just go to this folder once again and I will click this idle Python GUI and it will open the same shell command but it's more interactive and you will be able to see the same Oh same command line structure here now for starting because I think these fonts are little bit smaller so I can make them bigger by going into the option configure idle and in here I can change the font size of my shell right so for example I want to increase it to 16 so that I can see better and you can also see better let's make it to 18 even so you will be able to see more better okay so once this is done in here also you can just write print and in the brackets you can just give your message for example hello world and whenever I have or when I write this you will be able to see different colors for different you know structure so because a print is a function it will be highlighted in different color and hello world is a string so it will be highlighted in green color for example so this in this way you can read the program in a better way and this is why we generally use this Python GUI or which is called idle to program ok and I press ENTER and gives me once again the result hello world why now I think this that's it for this blog in the next blog I am going to show you how to use other features of Python so stay tuned
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